Last week I was in the super market nearby our home to by some drinks for my friends. I was walking through the drinks section in the back side of the market.
I heard a sound coming behind the shelves I did not take care about it because I thought that is another customer. I went straight and I turned I saw a man with a knife standing in front of another man and threatening him. The thief saw me and suddenly he escaped with man pocket I did not do anything because I was scared that the man could attack me. I moved quickly to the cashier and I told him what I saw. We rushed there and we found the victim was crying, the cashier called the police and they came after five minutes. The officer asked me many questions about the thief I told him that I saw the thief wearing a black pant and a gray trouser but he was wearing a mask and I cannot see his face. After that the victim said that he recognized the voice of the thief. The victim said that he think that one of his companies customer is the thief because he was talking about the money that he just withdrawal for his new car with his partner and there was a customer sitting in the office with his girlfriend.
After that the officer told me that I can go. I moved quickly because I was late and my friends .